Look at the size of that one

Dryer died yesterday. Washer is still leaking water all over the floor. A total of 2 loads from the vacation bags has been washed. Only one dried. The second is hanging all over the house on furniture and hangers. So much for having clean clothes.

Time to get new appliances. Lowe’s is having a big sale. We spent an hour today comparing the labels. Were we the only ones doing that? Yep.

I preferred the Frigidare stackable front loaders but if I agreed on the GE Profile set we would have enough $$$ to get a new range. I selected a GE ceramic top range with a BIG oven. Oh the wonders of a BIG oven. I began to swoon at the sight of that oven. The cooking space is enough to make any cook's knees wobble. (OK those of us that cannot afford and/or have a kitchen large enough for the dreamy gas restaurant version. Oh my how big your burners are....oh excuse me. I must have been daydreaming again.)

Delivery won’t be for a week. Boo. Hiss.

Gee I hope we have enough clean underwear.


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