Dig the book

What an awesome book, I should read! Too bad it's a spoof. The Washington Post ran a story on the new cool of White Trash style.

The Selling Of 'Trailer Park Chic'
One Person's Trash Is Another's Marketing Treasure

By: Ylan Q. Mui
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 18, 2006; Page D01

The article features a DC local Jolene Sugarbaker. At this site you can buy anything and everything trailer trashy. And you can learn all sorts of interesting skills. It's actually a funny site, it kept me entertained for an hour. There are other retailers out there too, they are seeking ways to sell the trailer lines to the masses. Like Michelle Lamar her site White Trash Palace is more streamlined, it's strictly for buying, not reading. Ms. Lamar has a blog, http://www.whitetrashmom.blogspot.com/ but it seems to be taking a huge hit due to the increased traffic. If you can give it a read I'm sure it's funny.

There's even a book due out this summer, June 13, 2006 that can enlighten you to the ways of the trailer trash lifestyle. White Trash Etiquette : The Definitive Guide to Upscale Trailer Park Manners By: Dr. Verne Edstrom, Esq., is certainly on my list of must read books.


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