Pottery Barn and underwear

As we were shopping at the mall we stopped at the Pottery Barn to take a peek around. Keith is interested in a particular piece of furniture and wanted to take a look see. This is how he gets ideas on how to make his mental picture ideas work out in 3-D. I well, I just like to look around. I asked the girls to make themselves comfortable on the couch in the back part of the store. There they sat surrounded by all sorts of expensive breakable things. I figured I had about 2 minutes to look around before they were going to move. I peeked around the corner and browsed the bathroom things. As I made my way back to the girls there was Olivia with her big purple coat on and naked from the waist down. Embarrassed I rushed over to her and pulled up her tights, undies and skirt in one fast motion. I covered her so quickly trying to shield her from view with my body. Sensing my distress she began to feel upset and looked ready to cry. I realized her face was beginning to move to cry mode and I comforted her by asking what she was doing. She claimed to be hot. I suggested that she should remove her coat rather than her clothing pointing out that in fact we are not at home. I gathered everyone together and we left the store immediately. We had provided enough entertainment for one shopping trip today. I hope that not too many people noticed my child's naked bum.


knitting chick said…
FUNNY STUFF! I dont know what I would have done if one of the girls did that to me. Gotta love the things kids do

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