Spuncan Wedding

My cousin Lori married some guy she's known like, forever, this Bryan person over the weekend.... Actually they have been a wonderful couple and Bryan is a fabulous man. I am very happy they got married and we were invited to share this wonderful day with them. We had such a great time. They had a great wedding party and even a VMH, Vice-Maid of Honor, the guy in the blue suit. So fun!

Because Leah had the honor of being the flower girl we were required to be at the rehearsal Friday night. I enjoyed helping out at the rehearsal, because, you know, I like to be bossy. I always find it fascinating to see the pre-wedding. I thought it was wonderful to see how the madness of several people paired with emotions and stress can result in such a beautiful event.

Leah was a superb flower girl and looked great, in fact everyone looked great. Take a look at the pictures and see the pretty little princess. It was so hard not to want to take pictures. With that beautiful swing and a flower girl it was almost too perfect.


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