A lemonade stand. Oh yes. We do. We're selling lemonade people. Come on down.
It was set up in the family room where the girls played pretend. It was purchased for fun and for the BBQ this week. Leah wanted all the details about the lemonade stand concept. After we explained the point of having a lemonade stand Leah has gotten very serious about it. The next day she was up before 7am asking me if I'd set up the stand at the end of the drive way so she could begin selling drinks. Of course we didn't have lemonade on hand, nor cups but that didn't deter her. No way. She insisted I use mom magic and make those things appear. Silly me. I figured that I could wait and pick up those things before the party. I had no idea how obsessed Leah would become about this stand. She's gonna make some money so look out. I fear for her competition. She's 6 and she's serious.