Nifty Ideas
There are so many great ideas out there that can make your day to day so much better. With all those great thinking folks I'm sure there is something you'd like use. This might become a weekly entry. I have been collecting all sorts of nifty ideas for myself for a while now and sharing them is certainly good. Here are a few nifty ideas I'd like to share with you this week.
Need a new way to encourage healthy snack time? How about putting a selection of healthy choices in a muffin tin and see what happens. I can envision a pretty vintage tin, possibly painted, finding a permanent place on my kitchen island.
As I flipped through a parent magazine I came across a great idea from those clever people at The Electric Company. Create a vocabulary board, "word walls" to introduce words into your child's day. Sure sounds not so nifty but when they provided angles such as "Emma's Cat Dictionary" it got me to thinking about how that would be a great way to group words together. The bonus is that by picking a topic of interest it is a great way for your kid to learn new words.
Spring brings with it an urge for many to clear out their closets and make room for more.....junk. If you are like me and have several button down shirts taking up closet space that are in good shape but, er, might not flatter you (or hubby) so much any more then perhaps it's time to find another use for it. One way is to find another person who could wear it by sewing that shirt into a dress for a little one. That way you still get to enjoy the shirt and it will look great as a new garment. Or if you'd like something for yourself how about a nice smock?