Nifty Ideas: indoor crafting

Another round of fantastic nifty ideas I have discovered. You too may become inspired by these nifty things and in turn create your own. If you have any of your own nifty ideas please share them with me I'd love to learn about what is nifty to you!

As the winter weather sets in there will be more time spent inside. I thought that by looking for a few things that looked like fun would be the best for this week's entry.

I've seen these around in stores and magazines and they look like fun. Bendaroos are reusable waxy sticks that can bend to create all sorts of neat things. They are able to adhere to most surfaces without leaving residue. That is quite handy for a mostly mess free fun. These can be a problem if your child smashes them on a painted wall and leaves them there for a while because paint will come off when they are removed. Although they are mostly mess free still play in an area that is not carpeted as you can assume if they are stepped on the wax will embed itself into the carpet fibers and be difficult to remove. (Thanks Heather for the user tips! Your kids should be test marketers for toys.)

My girls love Russian nesting dolls so I thought that maybe they would enjoy making their own by starting with blanks and letting their creativity drive them to fun. With all the varied shapes and sizes this can be a very fun craft. They can be painted or drawn on with markers. Glitter is also a nice touch as well as some glued on sequins.


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