Silent blueberries

What busy days summer has for us. I thought relaxing was the point of summer. Alas summer is more about doing as much as possible with the long daylight hours. In the week the big girls have been vacationing in Colorado Adelynn and I have had much time together. The first days while the girls were gone the Mister was away on business. Those were some very quiet days. She and I tried to make noise so it would seem like there were more people around. At times I think we did very well at the noise. At the moment Adelynn is very fond of banging things together. It is likely to be a new activity for her. I was eager for noise for more life in this house. With everyone gone I could feel the silence far more. Getting out to do things with others was what we needed to keep us busy.

On Friday we went blueberry picking with our friends. I have been looking forward to this since the first week we brought Adelynn home. Imagining a beautiful sunny day and a little baby in a wagon full of berries. That image came to life as we settled into our picking. It turned out to be the perfect day to pick with little humidity, overcast at times skies and plenty of breezy winds. It was just the weather for a day on the farm. I was surprised with Adelynn's ability to keep busy in the wagon. We picked for a few hours and she was generally pleasant for the duration. So long as she has her books she is a happy girl. Towards the end of blueberry picking hunger got the best of her. She was not going to sit in that wagon with a hungry belly. So up she went where she became my little helper on my hip. I was trying to fill up my 7th pint of blueberries. There was no way we were going to call it quits with a half filled pint. No sir. Not with blueberries.

She helped by trying to grab some berries. She was so fascinated with them. Her palm full of unripe berries she clutched them tightly. When I removed them, because I was thinking she may just shove them in her mouth while I was not looking, she became upset. Instead of fighting her on that I traded her unripe green berries with plump blue ones just in case she decided to sample them. At least she would be able to mash up the ripe berries easier than those green ones. In the end she didn't want to eat them. All she wanted was to hold them, explore their texture, rolling them in her fingers. Babies love to experience new things. And Adelynn, that girl, she is very much taking advantage of the features of this world. Once our pint was full she and I joined our friends on the blanket for lunch. We munched on food discussing the wonders of all those blueberries we were taking home with us. Oh the things we could make. JAM! PIE! TARTS! Oh the fantastic yummy blueberries. Our little friend has been reading Blueberries for Sal with his Mama. It was so great to hear about the story from him as we lunched. He was so very excited to be blueberry picking. Three year olds are great companions.

While my berry picking companions had to head back home to check on their Papa Adelynn and I remained behind to investigate those ripe black raspberries. I pulled the wagon over to the berry hillside as Adelynn wobbled around inside. At first I was not sure if we'd be able to pick much. That was some steep hillside. With a wagon and baby. A few minutes into picking and my baby was fussing. A nap was coming on and she just wasn't able to get comfort sitting in a wagon braced by my leg. With a baby snuggled up to my chest I began to pick more berries. I knew she was so tired looking for some Mama cuddles to help her fall asleep. It wasn't long until her little head was limp with sleep. It came at a great time since getting to those berries was getting tricky while balancing a baby and berry bucket. I settled her into the wagon all snuggled up with her quilt. She got comfortable instantly turning on to her side. I was glad this was the same moment the sun decided to hide behind some clouds. I had no idea what I was going to use to cover her up to shield her from that hot sunshine. The sun remained hidden long enough for me to fill 3 pints of berries. As I picked I could hear my fellow fruit lovers carry on conversations with their companions. There were parents with kids, grandparents and grandchildren and girlfriends. An assorted demographic too. Those were some interesting discussions. I was silent in my work, unnoticed in a row all to myself and the baby. She slept as gentle farm breezes rolled down the mountains. I would have picked for more hours if not for the lack of green in my wallet. See, I knew better than to bring too much cash so that I'd keep my harvesting to a reasonable amount. I think Adelynn and I did very well berry picking. Although I forgot the camera I did take a few shots with my phone. Not the same quality as my camera but still it's something.

When we got home I was not up to the usual sorting and washing and making of the first blueberry tart. Instead I poured all the blueberries into a giant bowl and put it in the fridge. With Leah away I knew those berries would be safe. She is quite the berry eater that girl is. I decided to save the usual work for Saturday when I'd have an extra hand with Adelynn. Keith came home late Friday night. When Adelynn and I spend time out all day she gets to be in need of Mama time. That need is closeness. She just wants to be held and carried around. After the berries were put in the fridge she sat on the floor with me. There she played with toys while I read some recipes getting ideas for jam. I want to make something with those black raspberries. Something good, no divine. I need to ponder some more on that.


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