Paris Trip Day 3: Manic Monday cramming it all in

Our last full day in Paris and we had lots of things to see. The to dos were put to a test when we woke up to a very rainy morning. We began with a visit to the Louvre. The plan was to spend a few hours in the Louvre hoping that time would be enough for the rain to pass. There was far too much to see in 3 hours and we decided to focus on the Italians.

Best picture of the day!

One of my favorite paintings. 

All the guys loved this painting. 

Trying to get a photograph of the Mona Lisa was tricky. Besides there being about 2000 people crowding around it the painting is protected by glass making it difficult to capture a clear picture. Instead Keith decided it was much more entertaining to take a picture of everyone taking a picture of the Mona Lisa. Compared to the other paintings in the same room the Mona Lisa is tiny. Woe is the artist who has their painting in the same room with the Mona Lisa. So many people were obsessed with this painting that they failed to see all the other beautiful works surrounding them. For the few hours we were there we saw so many beautiful pieces of art. We could have spent the whole day there but after 3 hours we needed to get on to the next sight.

As the day began to brighten we headed over to Luxemburg gardens. We had a nice lunch at a small cafe across from the gardens. The day was beginning to become steamy. So much for a rainy day after all.

By late afternoon we had walked all over the city and needed to head back to the hotel to rest for a while. Good timing too as the second rain storm of the day began to set in. 

Our boat cruise was perfectly dry. The rain seemed to wait for us which made for a nice evening walking around getting in the last minute sights. 

Waiting in line for the Boat tour on the Seine Keith pointed out the river to me.

We ate a very late night supper at the cafe across from our hotel. For everyone else it was the proper time but we had to leave at 4am to get to the airport so this was super late for us. The last time we were able to see the tower glowing. Ahh Paris.


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