My three year old's story

Adelynn has been telling us stories. They have been something else I tell you. Although coming out in written form it looks more like a poem. The funny thing is that getting more details is difficult. She looks at me as if I should know how to fill in the gaps of her statements. Oh three year olds! They are such fun. I wrote down her most recent story. I find it to be quite clever. I have no idea who Steve is these days as Steve often changes shape, sex, and living/nonliving status daily.

Wall-E, Steve, and Adelynn

They go to the meadow to play with the birds and butterflies.  Running around looking for butterflies to catch. You have to count them by saying pink, pink, pink.

Then when you are tired of chasing butterflies you can search for delicious pink cherries. A gentle rain will fall so you will need to hide.

Next you have to catch Steve. Running after Steve the sun will dry us clean.

Getting back to the picnic spot you will see that the Evil Dude has taken all the blankets away.

She heard something in the bushes. Is it the Evil Dude or just a butterfly?


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