Cincy Wedding

My cousin's wedding at the Hilton Netherland Plaza in Cincinnati Halloween night was a night to remember. The whole weekend too! The 'ol Queen City is quite the gal. 

Friday night was a big day for the girls. They had to practice being flower girls. Oh the excitement to be the flower girl. The practice went well. We had some shyness but I expected that from my girls. 

The famous Tyler Davidson Fountain at Fountain Square. (Yep, that's the same one from the TV show WKRP in Cincinnati) Ice skaters and colored lights made for an exciting rehearsal dinner night.

The bride's family gave my girls the most beautiful engraved heart shaped silver jewelry boxes. Jane proudly carried hers around all through the dinner. She was so happy to have this beautiful gift.

This hotel has spent a great deal of effort making you feel like you are to be pampered. Fresh flowers all over the dining room, friendly, helpful staff, and a strange sense of comfort too. 

I adored the hotel. It is French Art Deco at its finest. So beautiful. I could not get enough pictures. I was perfectly happy sitting in the Orchids at the Palm dining room just taking it all in. Looking at every detail. The teenagers kept telling me to stop taking pictures because I looked like a lunatic. 

It was almost like stepping back in time. Hotels are not made like this anymore. Spectacular.

I could imagine running into old Hollywood stars around the corner at any moment. This is just the place you would find Sinatra! Behind that elegant bar is a stage. A BIG BAND era stage. Oh swoon! Of course I had to check it out. A Grand piano was tucked off in a corner and various mics and other equipment were set up ready to go. All that's missing is a band. Imagine the parties of the past!

By the time I finished embarrassing the girls our breakfast arrived. That's my breakfast. THE. BEST. THING. I HAVE. EVER. EATEN. That may be a bit over exaggerated. That dish was very tasty. I ordered the poached egg on top of a potato cake with roasted oyster mushrooms and kale. I loved it so much I ate this 2 days in a row. Yes. Yes I did. It cost $12. where I live that would be at least twice the amount considering that Orchids at Palm Court is a 4 star restaurant. Fine dining on a mid-western budget is a luxury to indulge! What's so interesting to me is that no one was taking advantage of all this amazing hospitality. Everyone by-passed the dining room to look for more "affordable" options. (There was a conference group staying at the hotel too.) I think we have become a culture of fast food and have forgotten the beauty of a nice simple meal.

Leah really loved her fancy waffle served on a cutting board with fresh fruit and WHIPPED CREAM! When we were eating breakfast Halloween morning I asked our waitress about local trick or treat options. As it turned out none were close enough for us to do before the wedding. When the waitress returned she held 4 paper gift bags filled with goodies for the girls. She told me that they all felt bad that our children were going to miss trick or treat and that they hoped the treat bags would brighten their spirits.


That is what it is to be mid-western. We have traveled all over this country and stayed at many Hiltons, etc. Never once did the staff go beyond like this before. The welcoming heart of the midwest is strong in this hotel and we can't recommend it enough to anyone. Even for a weekend this is the place to stay when you come to Cincy.

When you come to Cincy you go to the river. The 'ol Ohio is a busy little beast. She has been both gentle and unforgiving. Don't let her seemingly calm waters fool you. She has a mystery and mayhem all it takes is for you to forget how strong this river is as it flows past you. We watched mostly tourist boats but there were a few locals cruising around. 

Y? Because it's fun!

The river walk was full of playgrounds. We took the kids there to release some energy before the wedding. It would have been nice to spend a little more time exploring the riverwalk. It truly is a great gem of fun. 

 They also rode the carousel and ended up with some treats too. Since the littles were flower girls I needed to get them dressed and ready for pictures which cut fun time short. I felt like all I did that afternoon was chase a toddler around the room. Hmmm. Maybe because that IS what I did. I can't tell you how many times I put that dress back on Jane.

The girls were needed to get pictures and such with the wedding party. While we waited our turn they enjoyed being on the stage looking adorable. 

Before the ceremony the wedding party hid away in a small room waiting for the hour to arrive. These two the flower girl and ring bearer were happy to play some games. They were quite a cute pair. Jane needed Mama but was happy to play on the leapPad too. Although the biggest hit was the sack of plastic eggs. Ahh kids are funny.

 The ceremony was lovely. I had hoped Jane would walk with Adelynn but her lack of nap finally caught up with her and it was not happening for her. Adelynn handled herself beautifully. She was sweet and shy and lovely as ever. What a proud set of parents we were.

The wedding reception was a masquerade theme which made everyone excited.

Excellent food and lots of dancing filled our night. Although we didn't close down the party it was enjoyable to be able to celebrate then when we were ready just take the elevator back to our room. Perfection.


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