Knit for Fun Retreat in Edmonton Day 2

The Knit for Fun Retreat in Edmonton, Canada was absolutely the best time! I attended my first knitting retreat with my friend Devin also known as Knitty McPurly. I didn't have many classes on day two which left me with plenty of time to visit the River City Yarns shop. There were so many wonderful things to see. I had a few inspiration patterns to add to my list. 

Aren't these guys so cute! What an adorable display. 

Here is my owl and my new friend Juliette's owl. Mine ended up being a tad large! We took Susan B. Anderson's Egg to Owl reversible toy class together. I failed to bring along extra yarn and Juliette based me out by offering me a ball of yarn. Knitters are the best people. 

The biggest knitting PJ party I have ever experienced was at this retreat in Canada. It was fantastic to sit with the amazing and FUN ladies from New Jersey. These days the closest thing I get to a PJ party is chasing my little girls around to get them in bed. If I succeed then I’ll get a few rows of knitting in before going to sleep.

All the Fiber Friends! This is a group picture snapped quickly before the official one was taken at the retreat. I met so many new fantastic knitters in Edmonton Canada. Mary shared the longest crazy shuttle ride with us from the airport. Devin and I should have taken up Julie's offer of sharing a cab! We would have saved ourselves from 2 hours of torture! Then sweet Tara and her humor despite her long dreadful trip was a delightful person to share a class. She was such a kindred spirit! Juliette kept me constantly laughing and saved me from my knitting mistakes. The ladies of Jersey (you know who you are ) you were a welcome presence for this sarcastic lady. There were so many more people that I truly enjoyed meeting and getting to know. An excellent experience. 


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